Since my return from Hull I have thrown a little more time & effort into my own JFDI project here in rural Buckinghamshire. I have started to do what I had always believed would be the most tricky part of the initial work - engaging the community. You see while I say rural, I actually live in a community that represents 5 separate villages with some 3,800 residents. Now I know my neighbours well enough but I was very uncertain as to how to actually get the word out to the broad community.
So, I started by putting together a web site - if you are interested. This site tries to 'dumb-down' the technology and increase people's awareness of the benefits leading them to register their interest.
OK, but how to pull people in to the site? SEO will do the trick for those actually searching for a broadband solution in my area but I cannot really rely on that! So, I have put up notices in pubs (which we do seem to have more than enough of!), the post office even the local butcher asking people to visit the site. That has had some success and will, hopefully, start the word of mouth process.
But I needed to do more than that... I need to get across my own enthusiasm (which I know you will share with me) for this and to do that I need to actually speak to people. So last night I went to the Parish Council meeting. There were only a small number of people there (perhaps 40) but in the 10 minutes I spoke there were many questions and a great deal of interest expressed. The Parish Council have also committed to get involved which should drive the news even further afield. Indeed this morning I received a call from the leader of the local business association asking me to come and speak at their next meeting.
Next Monday I have a meeting with our County Council who have a concern that Bucks is not included in any of BT's expansion plans and I hope to be able to discuss a real alternative for them if we can get more communities engaged.
So, why have I posted this? Because I hope it may provide some impetus if you were thinking of a similar JFDI project in your area. It is amazing the momentum that can be gained very quickly from a few simple actions and I would encourage any reader to do the same.
If you are concerned that you just don't know enough about this area to make a difference don't let that stop you. There are many of us who can help - I met a number of people in Hull last week who would love to see these projects getting off the ground and will offer their help and support.
Of course you could always use my other website Next Generation Access if you want to learn more ;-)
Spread the word - JFDI will really make a difference!
2025 AI outlook (source: perplexity)
2 months ago
Excellent! well done.
ReplyDeleteSo glad that the Hull NextGenUs Colloquium has got you all fired up Mark :)
ReplyDeleteFibreStream is a great advocate of Open Source Consultancy - ie where we can give people information for free we will.
If any local Parish wants to get an initial budgetary idea of what FttH might cost then please use the following link
A year down the line from that colloquium in Hull, and at last stuff is starting to move in our area. A great plan to bring digital village pumps into the the areas with limited or no access, which will enable communities to provide a solution themselves. Its mega.
ReplyDeleteWill know more after the rural broadband conf at rheged on sept 18th. There is a colloquium before and after if anyone wants to attend they can request an invite.