So, more exciting news from BT - Yes, that's right within 2 years 75% of the country will have a whopping 25Meg available to it!
No, no... put the cork back in... it's not something to celebrate. Why? Well, take all of that vitriol you have thrown at the recent BET announcement and apply it again to this. ADSL2+ is a similar investment in that old, Victorian copper plant. It's not new, it's not exciting. It's faster, sure, but in much the same way that a Skoda is faster than a horse - you still wouldn't want anyone to see you arriving at work in either, would you?
Let's be honest, BT cannot do the country. Ignore that 75% number: they will fail to deliver a genuine broadband service (by which I mean 100Meg symmetrical) to 99% of us. They will fail to deliver an adequate broadband service (40Meg up, 10Meg down such as their FTTC offerings) to 60% of us. If you are part of that 60% and would like to know how to get your community involved in building a true broadband future then let me know. Help is available!
2025 AI outlook (source: perplexity)
2 months ago
Great stuff. About time people were made aware of all this. How to do it though? Even the major newspapers and the beeb don't get IT. should we keep tweeting out the info so people find this blog?