Excellent article by Benoit. Indeed the network operators have been chasing services and applications for some time now with varying degrees of enthusiasm and success. What is described in this article is broadly similar to the new communications model proposed on my website:
As we progress through NGN and NGA rollout it is my belief that network ownership will become the key revenue stream and will be largely separate from the services revenue. Users will want as broad a choice of services and applications as possible and will therefore shy away from limited service packages as we are used to today (take for example the Sky TV bundles) so they will have to pay for network access and separately for the services they use over that network.
As network ownership will derive its return on investment through useage of that network it makes absolute sense to allow other operators to offer their access services on a wholesale basis, therein increasing the take up and their revenues. Open access is the only sensible way to build these networks and investors should ensure that the network operator has this in their plans (assuming the regulator is not enforcing it) as this will make the investment profile look far more attractive.
Services are critical to the uptake of NGA but not to the ROI.
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