Monday, 13 July 2009

The challenge of delivery | Digital Britain Forum

Check out this website I found at

I do not have a lot of issues with Carter's DB report. Sure, I could pick through it and find many faults and areas I don't agree with but ultimately it raised the subject into the public eye and provoked much broader discussion.

It did also make a number of recommendations and I do wonder why Lord Carter is not willing to stick around to push these through. Who now has that responsibility? We await the announcement on that but probably not with baited breath. After all this is far too broad a subject to adequately address for a minister who thinks an apmersand is a green liquid you dip a spoon of burning sugar into before rapidly imbibing in the Commons bar at the end of a long day.

I wonder where our new 'Digital Champion' Ms. Lane Fox (@Marthalanefox) will feature?

I have read today comments about taking Britain back to the summit of innovation leadership (, well this is the Government's chance. Back the private sector to deliver the promises of DB. Yes that includes BT but more importantly should focus on the real innovators who can deliver a truly digital future.

Posted via web from Mark's posterous

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