Monday, 13 July 2009

Kent Notspots

Indeed, on reading the Statement of Requirements it is indeed the case that these are notspots in Kent:

"KCC wishes to provide broadband access in at least some, ideally all, of the not-spots. However, funding is limited and the number of not-spots to be addressed will depend on the cost. KCC is therefore issuing this statement of requirement to obtain proposals for providing a reliable broadband service, at an agreed speed, to identified not-spots in Kent."

They have "no preference" to the solution but desire a minimum download speed of 1Mbit/s (2M target) and 256k upload. So, not NGA, not ambitious but trying to offload a problem to someone else.

I hope someone can step in to solve this problem for them and in so doing can define an architecture that can deliver viable broadband services to notspots together with a partner who will help with the additional backhaul, network & services requirements. The considerations are huge and to submit a proposal by August 7th will be one hell of a challenge!

Posted via email from Mark's posterous

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